Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I have just learnt about podcasts thanks to our web 2.0 guru leila fever.
I think this is a wonderful technology.
Now, anyone can listen to their fvourite things, not matter where they are in the world. It is just reiterating what a small world we live in today.
How it would benefit our library users, would be that they could download their favourite programme from our PC's .
We could also make an audio recording of any guest speakers and make it available for people who couldnt make the meeting, or anyone who would be generally interested in the subject.
It is just another tool that we can use to make information more accessible for our patrons 

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I'm a twittering

Just found out all about twitter.
You wouldnt believe how ignorant I was. I thought twitter was just for mobile phones! So there you go, you learn something everyday.
Personally, I dont think anybody would really want to hear about any of the mundane things that go on in my life. They would be asleep before the hour was up, I'm that exciting.
However, I think twitter would be really good in promoting events/books for the young adults that use our libraries.
Like everyone knows, that age group have grown up in the cyber age and are involved with all of the social networking sites. I think they would be an audience that would benefit from library twitter.

PS . my twitter username is libbyclem.
Hear from you.


Well, do I feel a bit special...........
I have just logged on to this blog AND attached a thing called a widget all in under 20 minutes!
I may just get the hang of this techno jangle business.

I must say, on a personal level, I do like the "library thing". I have actually got a document saved on word with all of the books that I have read and should like to read in the future.
Now I can get rid of that and just Library thing it!
On reflection however, I can see how this is an excellent tool for libraries. It is just another way for our stock to be showcased to the public.
How easy it is today to find anything these days!

Happy reading everyone


Thursday, February 3, 2011

long time no hear

Ive been on a really nice long holiday, all tanned ( really, just my freckles have joined together.) relaxed and ready to continue down the path to electronic enlightenment!
So, I have just learnt about delicious.
It seems to be a great concept. However, I feel a little lost. I guess I need to explore it a bit more and perhaps select some sites and bookmark them myself to understand it a bit better. I can imagine people who are pationate about or are studying a certain subject, would find this a highly useful tool to have on their computer.
Anyway, cherio and until next time.

Libby xxxx